Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Nays Have It

The Boss embraced the word "no" in the early days of talk and hasn't let go since. I've been expecting "yes" to be added to her vocabulary but continue to be disappointed. The most I can get out of her is "okay."

Picture it: our living room, where The Boss sits on the couch. I am grabbing something from the kitchen.

"Goldfish." I hear the Boss's plaintive cry. "Goldfish!" A little louder this time. "Ma-ma! Goldfish!" She is a Fury atop a sea devoid of orange finned crackers.

I walk into the living room. "What do you say?"

"Please. Goldfish."

"Hmph." I backtrack to the kitchen to get a snack bowl. Shrieks of "GOLDFISH!" fill my absence.

Her eyes are on the crackers as I return. Suddenly she's silent.

"Would you like some goldfish?" I inquire.

She looks at me--no smile, no grab--and says, in one simple word that carries all the weight of an artful shrug, "okay."

"Hmph." Do me a favor, Boss. Do me a freaking favor.


S said...

Already so manipulative!

Gah. Girls.

Jenifer said...

Too cute!

My daughter asked me yesterday is she could have some bananaisse on her sandwich.... **heh.

Major Bedhead said...

What is it with the litany? As though, if they repeat it often quickly enough, it will appear that much faster.

Jene said...

i love it. like mother, like daughter. :-)