Friday, August 04, 2006

Who Cares It's Friday

Today, I am too busy to blog. Too frustrated to care. Too pissed off to go more than three sentences without taking the sweasy* way out. So instead of offending my readers' delicate sensibilities, I will abide by my mother's favorite truism for her eldest daughter: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's a good thing I'm not usually so obedient, or I would've gone through childhood as a mute. And I most certainly would've never started a blog.

One of the writers I admire greatly wrote a piece several weeks ago that speaks to the kind of overextension I am feeling today. Read it.

Maybe tomorrow I'll have something to say.

*Cute, huh? I made that up. It means using a lot of swear words, because, quite frankly, it makes me feel better.



Thanks for linking. Hang in there, babe. I know how you're feeling. Take it easy. One thing at a time. Hugs dot com your way.

Wildefrost said...

I shit myself today if it makes you feel any better.

Amy said...

Been there. Breathe deeply.

Mom101 said...

I'm so sorry you're having a shit day. I think it's going around. Sort of an emotional staph outbreak or something. Feel better, bubalah. (And happy to have found your new digs, if a bit belated.)